All Collections
Abandoned checkout emailsEdit the checkout link in the template in order to achieve compatibility with Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery
Enabling the order status widget
Cash on deliveryOffer the option to pay cash on delivery only to your delivery customers
Changing the date and time format in notificationsChange the date and time format in Shopify email notifications
Changing the checkout wording depending on the delivery optionWe use language locales to change the wording at checkout depending on the checkout method
Checkout widgetAdd the Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery widget to the checkout page
Draft ordersAdd pickup, delivery and shipping details to your Shopify draft orders
Export ordersExport your orders to see all the information in a CSV order report
Express checkout methods
Email notifications
Editing the store pickup “More information” pop-up
Displaying product information on the cart pageShow customers the tag, vendor, collection or product type on the cart page
DKIM/DMARC policy for custom domains
Hiding specific pickup time slotsHide or show your pickup time slots depending on the products, date and/or location
Hiding specific delivery time slotsHide or show your delivery time slots depending on the products, date and/or location
Hide pickup, delivery, and shipping for gift cards, virtual items and digital items
Hiding checkout methods by product tagDisable or enable pickup, delivery, or shipping for certain groups of products based on the product tag
Longitude and latitude parameters
Multiple shipping origins/locations
Managing locations using CSVImport, export and update your locations with CSV files
Managing payment methods
Order fulfillment
Order managementMark orders individually or in bulk to send notifications to your customers about order status changes
Order processing
Pay in-storeOffer the option to pay in-store only to your pickup customers
Product-specific preparation timeUse this feature for specific products that require a different preparation time than your other products
Product date restrictionsRestrict certain products to specific dates of the year
Production reportsExport your production reports through Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery into a CSV file
Shopify HydrogenLearn how to integrate Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery with Hydrogen
Restricting orders on Shopify POS
Trialing features on a higher planCreate a development store to trial a higher plan’s features without committing to upgrading your plan
SMS notificationsLearn more about Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery SMS notifications
Third-party sales channelsLearn why Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery is not compatible with third-party sales channels
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery functionality compared to Zapiet Eats
Delivery validation reports
Data retention