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Local Delivery
Delivery setup overview
Delivery product availability
Configuring delivery days
Configuring delivery slotsSet up delivery time slots visible to your customers
Delivery date and time pickers
Delivery order tagsAdd automated tags to your delivery orders
Delivery order limits
Restrict future orders for deliveryPrevent customers from ordering too far into the future
Delivery blackout dates
Local delivery preparation timeConfigure how much time you need to prepare your delivery orders
Conditional activation for deliveryEnable or disable delivery depending on specific conditions
Delivery discount codeAdd a discount code to all of your delivery orders
Delivery noteAdd an optional or a required delivery note within the Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery widget
Delivery validation
Delivery validation: Exact postal code matching
Delivery validation: Partial postal code matching
Delivery validation: Advanced postal code match
Delivery validation by city name
Delivery validation: Maximum radius
Delivery validation: Maximum driving distance
Delivery validator widgetLet customers check if they are eligible for local delivery on your home page
Delivery notificationsLearn more about Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery delivery email notifications
Creating zone-based delivery schedule and pricing
Creating product-based delivery schedule and pricing