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How to install Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery
Installation setup guide
Which version of the widget am I using?
Creating a test order
Adding locations
Creating a Google Maps API Key
Change the time zone
Custom attributesAdd location-specific custom attributes to your orders
Frequently asked questions
Pausing your Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery subscription
Subscription and billingLearn about effects of subscription plan changes, billing, and pricing for NPO's and development stores
Shopify POS
Standards and formatsChange your time, distance and weight format and calendar starting day
What is the ZapietId and how do I hide it?Meaning of the ZapietId and how to hide if from showing up in the cart page
How to uninstall Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery
Why does Zapiet load on every page?Find out why we load code on all pages
Daily inventory
Taking telephone orders
Data protection