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Daily inventory
Daily inventory
Clemency Farmer avatar
Written by Clemency Farmer
Updated this week

You can set daily limits on the products in your locations, and manage the remaining inventory each day.


  • You need to be on the Professional plan or higher with Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

Add daily product limits

You can set a maximum number of each product to be sold each day.

  1. Click Locations, then click the name of the location you want to edit.

  2. Click Add daily product limits.

  3. Select each product you want to add a daily limit to.

  4. Add the limits for each product.

  5. Click Add limits.

  6. Click Save.

Customers can now only buy up to the daily maximum for this product, from this location. Products without a daily inventory will have no limit.

Customers whose orders exceed the daily limit will be notified and unable to checkout until they either change the quantity in their cart, or select a different day:


  • Cancelled orders will restock the remaining inventory.

  • The daily inventory will be the same for pickup and delivery.

  • Creating or editing an order through the POS or the Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery app will not trigger any daily limit warnings, and you can select any date regardless of the remaining daily inventory.

  • Products will only be counted towards the daily limits if the order has our attributes (if not, the order will not appear in the Zapiet dashboard).

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