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Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery emergency kit
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery emergency kit
Marija avatar
Written by Marija
Updated over a week ago

We’re doing our best to give you the most stable experience possible. Having said that, you should always have a backup plan in case something does go wrong. The most common causes of customers not being able to checkout are:

  • Checkout button doesn’t work

  • Rates stopped working

In these cases, you can:

1. Status page

Subscribe to our Status page, and we will notify you the moment we know that there’s an issue with our servers.

2. Contact support

When something goes wrong, please contact us as soon as possible—we’re here to help. There are a few ways you can get in touch:

  • In the Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery Support tab, by starting a live chat

  • By sending an email to [email protected]

  • By calling +44 20 4526 8806‬

  • From the site

If your checkout is broken and your customers can’t check out, please add "Urgent" to the subject line. That way we will be notified that you’re having an emergency, and we will help as soon as possible. To make sure you get support on time, please do not abuse this for any other questions.

3. Disable Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery widget on your theme

We try to help everyone as soon as possible, but in some cases it might take us some time to get back to you. If your checkout is blocked because of our app, we recommend that you make a copy of theme and temporarily remove our app from the live theme. That way your customers will be able to check out while you wait for us.

To duplicate your theme:

  1. Go to Online store > Themes.

  2. On your live theme, click ... > Duplicate.

To temporarily remove our app from the live theme, follow our Enabling the cart widget on your theme article.

  1. Go to Online store > Themes.

  2. Click Customize.

  3. Click App embeds.

  4. Disable Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery.

  5. Click Save.

That way our app will not affect your checkout until we have a chance to take a look.

Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery will not be able to generate rates for your store if customers do not go through the widget. You can enable fallback rates or add static rates in Shopify.

4. Add static rates in Shopify

If your customers are not getting rates from our app, they might see a message telling them "Your cart has been updated and the items you added can’t be shipped to your address. Remove the items to complete your order."

This means that there’s something wrong with the rates, either with your rate setup or with our servers. Until we have a chance to take a look, please add rates in Shopify so your customers can check out.

To add rates in Shopify:

  1. Go to Shopify Settings > Shipping and delivery > Shipping > General shipping rates > Manage.

  2. In the zone(s) Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery is added as a carrier in, click Add rate.

  3. Click Set up your own rates and set up a rate (Custom flat rate).

  4. Add a Rate name and Price and click Done.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for every checkout method you use, and click Save.

Please note that all of the static rates in Shopify will show for every checkout method, be it pickup, delivery, or shipping.

If you have any carriers integrated into Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery, you can also directly add them as a carrier in Shopify until the issue has been resolved.
At step 3, click Use carrier or app to calculate rates and add the carrier.

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