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Integrating Boxify rates
Integrating Boxify rates
Marija avatar
Written by Marija
Updated over 7 months ago

Boxify calculates the box size and count in each order, providing customers with accurate real-time shipping rates from UPS, FedEx, USPS, Canada Post and DHL Express.

If you would like Boxify rates to show only when your customers select shipping in our widget, we recommend integrating Boxify in the Rates tab of Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery app.

Integration steps will be slightly different, depending on the Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery rates version that you're using:


  • In order to use third-party app rates, Shopify requires you to have Carrier-Calculated Shipping enabled. Read more in our Carrier-Calculated Shipping article.

  • You need to have the Boxify app installed on your Shopify store and an active subscription with Boxify.

  • All products that require shipping need to be marked as a Physical product in Shopify.

Enable Boxify with Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery rates

If you're using Boxify for shipping, ensure that Boxify is added to your Shopify Shipping profile. Take a look at our Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery rates article for more details.

Enable Boxify rates with Carrier-Calculated Shipping

This integration does not require an API key—in this case, you will need to add your “” store URL in the API key field.

  1. Go to Apps, and then click Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery.

  2. Go to the Rates tab.

  3. Go to the Shipping section and click Advanced Options.

  4. Find Boxify and click Add carrier.

  5. Tick Enable Boxify rates. Under API Key, enter your Shopify store URL (e.g.

  6. Add rate adjustments if needed, and click Save.

Your Boxify rates should now be generated through Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery— you can now test them. They will show when your customers select shipping in the widget.

Disable Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery shipping rates

If you are using Boxify shipping rates only, we recommend removing any shipping zones in Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery shipping section.

Only Boxify should be added as a carrier within Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery.

  1. Within Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery, open the Rates tab.

  2. Within the Shipping section, click Edit next to your shipping zone.

  3. Click Delete zone.

  4. Confirm to delete this shipping zone.

Your Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery shipping rates are now deleted, and the only rates generated for shipping will be coming from Boxify.

Prevent duplicate rates

When your Boxify rates are generated through Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery, we recommend removing Boxify as the carrier from Shopify shipping and delivery settings.

  1. Go to Shopify Settings and then Shipping and delivery.

  2. Under General shipping rates, click Manage.

  3. Delete Boxify as a carrier if it's added to your domestic shipping zone.

Only Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery should be added as a carrier under your domestic shipping zone. This way, our app can control whether shipping, local delivery, or store pickup rates will be shown at checkout, depending on the checkout method selected in our widget.

If you are using Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery in multiple shipping profiles/zones, make sure to repeat the steps above to remove Boxify there as well.

If you have international shipping zones where you need to use only shipping rates, add Boxify there directly.

Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery should only be added as a carrier in your domestic shipping zone—take a look at our Rates setup guide for more information.

Select specific Boxify rates

All Boxify shipping rates will be showing in the checkout by default.

In order to select only certain Boxify rates:

  1. Within Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery > Rates, enable fallback rates and set them to shipping.

  2. Wait 30-60 minutes.

  3. Go to Shopify Settings and then Shipping and delivery.

  4. Under General shipping rates, click Manage.

  5. Delete Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery from your domestic shipping profile.

  6. Click Add rate and select Use carrier or app to calculate rates, in order to add Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery back as a carrier.

  7. From the list of Boxify rates, select the ones you'd like to use.

  8. Click Done.

  9. Click Save.

Only the rates you've selected here should now be showing in the checkout for shipping.

If you need to select different rates in the future, click Edit rate next to Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery carrier in Shopify shipping and delivery settings, and select the rates you need.

If you upgrade the version of Boxify's rates in Boxify after completing these steps, you will need to repeat the process from step 3 onwards.

Disable Boxify rates

If you don't want to use Boxify rates anymore, you can disable them.

  1. Within Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery, open the Rates tab.

  2. Find Boxify under the Shipping section.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Untick Enable Boxify rates.

  5. Click Save.

Boxify rates will no longer appear when selecting shipping in our app.

Add your shipping rates within Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery or Shopify, to make sure your customers can check out. You can take a look at our Rates setup guide for more information.


If you're not seeing Boxify rates:

  • Please review the Boxify help center within the Boxify app.

  • Contact Boxify support within the “Contact Us” page of the Boxify app or on [email protected] to make sure the rates and products are set up correctly in their app. You can also contact them, if you have any questions about the app's functionality.

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