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Shopify Javascript SDK
Sam Forde avatar
Written by Sam Forde
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to create a custom integration with Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery using the Shopify JS SDK

Please note: This is a working document and so is not yet complete. We have yet to fully create the first-party integration with the Shopify JS SDK. You will certainly need to be a Shopify/JS developer in order to get things up and running.

Hidden Attributes

Below is an example of how to add Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery details to your orders via the JS SDK.

const checkoutId = 'Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9DaGVja291dC9kMTZmM2EzMDM4Yjc4N=';const input = {
customAttributes: [
{ key: "Checkout-Method", value: "pickup" },
{ key: "Pickup-Location-Id", value: "1" },
{ key: "Pickup-Location-Company", value: "Zapiet" },
{ key: "Pickup-Location-Address-Line-1", value: "1 Hacker Way"},
{ key: "Pickup-Location-City", value: "Menlo Park" },
{ key: "Pickup-Location-Region", value: "California" },
{ key: "Pickup-Location-Postal-Code", value: "90420" },
{ key: "Pickup-Location-Country", value: "United States" },
{ key: "Pickup-Date", value: "2019-01-31" },
{ key: "Pickup-Time", value: "14:30" }
client.checkout.updateAttributes(checkoutId, input).then((checkout) => {
// Do something with the updated checkout

Checkout URL

When redirecting customers to the Shopify checkout process you should ensure all the parameters from the following method are appended to the URL:


So that you end up with something like:

This will then ensure the correct locale and details are pre-populated within the checkout process.

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