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Explain why an order is cancelled

Clemency Farmer avatar
Written by Clemency Farmer
Updated over a week ago

Predefine your cancellation reasons. By default there are already three options: Restaurant closed, Unavailable item and restaurant too busy.

  1. Click Settings.

  2. Click Cancellations.

  3. You can add, edit, rearrange or delete reasons for cancellations.

Add reason

  1. Click Add reason.

  2. Add a name.

  3. Add a description.

  4. Click Save.

Edit reason

  1. Next to the cancellation reason, you'd like to edit, click "...".

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Edit the name and description as needed, and click Save changes.

Rearrange reason

  1. Next to the cancellation reason, you'd like to move, click "...".

  2. Click Move up or Move down to rearrange the order of the reasons.

Delete reason

  1. Next to the cancellation reason, you'd like to delete, click "...".

  2. Click Delete.

  3. Click Delete reason.

Your reason has now been deleted, and will not be available for your team to select when cancelling an order.

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