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Order Printer Pro: Invoice App
Order Printer Pro: Invoice App

Fügen Sie die Details von Zapiet – Abholung + Zustellung zu Rechnungen hinzu

Jelizaveta avatar
Verfasst von Jelizaveta
Vor über 2 Monaten aktualisiert

Order Printer Pro: Invoice App ermöglicht es Ihnen, Bestellungen zu drucken, gebrandete Rechnungen, Lieferscheine, Rücksendeformulare und Quittungen automatisch zu versenden.

Zapiet – Abholung + Zustellung-Details können nur zu Rechnungen und Lieferscheinen hinzugefügt werden.

Details von Zapiet – Abholung + Zustellung zu Rechnungen hinzufügen

  1. Öffnen Sie in der Order Printer Pro: Invoice App die Option „Vorlagen verwalten“.

  2. Klicken Sie im Abschnitt „Quittung / Rechnung“ auf „Vorlage bearbeiten“.

  3. Finden Sie den folgenden Codeteil.

    {% assign TEXT_shipping_address = "Shipping address" %}

  4. Ersetzen Sie diese Codeteile mit den neuen Codeausschnitten.

    {% case attributes.Checkout-Method %} 
    {% when "pickup" %}
    {% assign TEXT_shipping_address = "Pickup location" %}
    {% when "delivery" %}
    {% assign TEXT_shipping_address = "Delivery address" %}
    {% else %}
    {% assign TEXT_shipping_address = "Shipping address" %}
    {% endcase %}

  5. Finden Sie den folgenden Codeteil.

    {% if shipping_method != blank or fulfillment.tracking_company != blank %}

  6. Ersetzen Sie diese Codeteile mit den neuen Codeausschnitten.

    {% if shipping_method != blank and attributes.Checkout-Method != 'pickup' or fulfillment.tracking_company != blank %}

  7. Finden Sie den folgenden Codeteil.

    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    {{ attribute.first }}:
    <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attribute.last }}

  8. Ersetzen Sie diese Codeteile mit den neuen Codeausschnitten.

    {% if attributes.Pickup-Date && attributes.Pickup-Time %} 
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase"> Pickup date: </div> <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Pickup-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }} at
    {{ attributes.Pickup-Time }}

    {% elsif attributes.Pickup-Date %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase"> Pickup date: </div>
    <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Pickup-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }}
    {% endif %}

    {% if attributes.Delivery-Date && attributes.Delivery-Time %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase"> Delivery date: </div> <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Delivery-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }} between
    {{ attributes.Delivery-Time }}

    {% elsif attributes.Delivery-Date %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase"> Delivery date: </div> <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Delivery-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }}
    {% endif %}

    {% if attributes.Shipping-Date %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase"> Shipping date: </div> <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Shipping-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }}
    {% endif %}

  9. Klicken Sie auf Speichern.

Die Zapiet – Abholung + Zustellung-Details sind nun in die Rechnungen integriert, die von der Order Printer Pro: Invoice App generiert werden. Die Rechnung sollte ähnlich wie das unten stehende Beispiel aussehen.

Details von Zapiet – Abholung + Zustellung zu Lieferscheinen hinzufügen

Wenn Sie Ihre Vorlage noch nicht bearbeitet haben, können Sie sie mit unserer vollständigen Lieferscheinvorlage ersetzen.

Falls Ihre Vorlage angepasst wurde, können Sie die Details zu Ihrer bestehenden Vorlage hinzufügen.

  1. Öffnen Sie in der Order Printer Pro: Invoice App die Option „Vorlagen verwalten“.

  2. Klicken Sie im Abschnitt „Lieferschein“ auf „Vorlage bearbeiten“.

  3. Finden Sie den folgenden Codeteil.

    {% assign TEXT_shipping_address = "Shipping address" %}

  4. Ersetzen Sie diese Codeteile mit den neuen Codeausschnitten.

    {% case attributes.Checkout-Method %} 
    {% when "pickup" %}
    {% assign TEXT_shipping_address = "Pickup location" %}
    {% when "delivery" %}
    {% assign TEXT_shipping_address = "Delivery address" %}
    {% else %}
    {% assign TEXT_shipping_address = "Shipping address" %}
    {% endcase %}

  5. Finden Sie den folgenden Codeteil.

    {% if shipping_method != blank or fulfillment.tracking_company != blank %}

  6. Ersetzen Sie diese Codeteile mit den neuen Codeausschnitten.

    {% if shipping_method != blank and attributes.Checkout-Method != 'pickup' or fulfillment.tracking_company != blank %}

  7. Finden Sie den folgenden Codeteil.

    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    {{ attribute.first }}:
    <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attribute.last }}

  8. Ersetzen Sie diese Codeteile mit den neuen Codeausschnitten.

    {% if attributes.Pickup-Date && attributes.Pickup-Time %} 
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase"> Pickup date: </div> <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Pickup-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }} at
    {{ attributes.Pickup-Time }}

    {% elsif attributes.Pickup-Date %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase"> Pickup date: </div>
    <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Pickup-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }}
    {% endif %}

    {% if attributes.Delivery-Date && attributes.Delivery-Time %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase"> Delivery date: </div> <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Delivery-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }} between
    {{ attributes.Delivery-Time }}

    {% elsif attributes.Delivery-Date %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase"> Delivery date: </div> <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Delivery-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }}
    {% endif %}

    {% if attributes.Shipping-Date %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase"> Shipping date: </div> <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Shipping-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }}
    {% endif %}

  9. Klicken Sie auf Speichern.

Die Zapiet – Abholung + Zustellung-Details sind nun in die Lieferscheine integriert, die von der Order Printer Pro: Invoice App generiert werden. Der Lieferschein sollte ähnlich wie das unten stehende Beispiel aussehen.

Vollständige Vorlage für einen Lieferschein

Falls Sie Ihre bestehende Lieferscheinvorlage noch nicht bearbeitet haben, folgen Sie den folgenden Schritten.

  1. Öffnen Sie in der Order Printer Pro: Invoice App die Option „Vorlagen verwalten“.

  2. Klicken Sie im Abschnitt „Lieferschein“ auf „Vorlage bearbeiten“.

  3. Löschen Sie die bestehende Vorlage und ersetzen Sie sie mit dem angegebenen Code.

    <!-- PACKING SLIP -->
    {% assign SETTING_shop_logo = "" %}
    {% assign SETTING_shop_logo_width = 240 %}
    {% assign SETTING_date_format = "%b %e, %Y" %}
    {% assign SETTING_product_image_size = 58 %}
    {% assign SETTING_show_cart_attributes = true %}
    {% assign SETTING_show_order_number_barcode = true %}
    {% assign SETTING_show_product_barcodes = false %}
    {% assign SETTING_use_latest_fulfillment = false %}{% comment %}
    Sie können den Text im Dokument übersetzen oder ändern, indem Sie die Wörter unten aktualisieren. Ändern Sie dabei nur die Wörter zwischen den Anführungszeichen "".
    {% endcomment %}{% assign TEXT_order = "Bestellung" %}{% case attributes.Checkout-Method %}
    {% when "pickup" %}
    {% assign TEXT_shipping_address = "Abholort" %}
    {% when "delivery" %}
    {% assign TEXT_shipping_address = "Zustelladresse" %}
    {% else %}
    {% assign TEXT_shipping_address = "Versandadresse" %}
    {% endcase %}{% assign TEXT_customer = "Kunde" %}
    {% assign TEXT_tel = "Tel." %}
    {% assign TEXT_no_customer_information = "Keine Kundeninformationen" %}
    {% assign TEXT_payment_method = "Zahlungsmethode" %}
    {% assign TEXT_shipping_method = "Versandmethode" %}
    {% assign TEXT_items = "Artikel" %}
    {% assign TEXT_qty = "Anzahl" %}
    {% assign TEXT_sku = "SKU: " %}
    {% assign TEXT_qty_of = "von" %}
    {% assign TEXT_no_items_fulfilled = "Keine Artikel wurden für diese Bestellung erfüllt." %}
    {% assign TEXT_notes = "Hinweise" %}
    {% assign TEXT_thanks = "Vielen Dank, dass Sie bei uns eingekauft haben!" %}{% if SETTING_show_product_barcodes == true or SETTING_show_order_number_barcode == true %}
    {% include "barcodes" %}
    {% endif %}{% if SETTING_use_latest_fulfillment == true %}
    {% assign name = latest_fulfillment.name %}
    {% assign created_at = latest_fulfillment.created_at %}
    {% assign line_items = latest_fulfillment.line_items %}
    {% endif %}<div class="template-136040">
    <div class="header">
    <div class="shop-title to-uppercase">
    {% if SETTING_shop_logo != blank %}
    {{ SETTING_shop_logo | img_tag: '', 'shop-logo'}}
    {% else %}
    {{ shop.name }}
    {% endif %}
    <div class="order-title text-align-right">
    {% if SETTING_show_order_number_barcode == true %}
    <img class="barcode" data-barcode="{{ name }}"/><br>
    {% endif %}
    {{ TEXT_order }} {{ name }}
    {{ created_at | date: SETTING_date_format }}
    <div class="customer-addresses">
    <div class="shipping-address">
    <p class="subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    {{ TEXT_shipping_address }}
    <p class="address-detail">
    {% if shipping_address != blank %}
    {{ shipping_address.name }}
    {% if shipping_address.company != blank %}
    {{ shipping_address.company }}
    {% endif %}
    {{ shipping_address.address1 }}
    {% if shipping_address.address2 != blank %}
    {{ shipping_address.address2 }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if shipping_address.city_province_zip != blank %}
    {{ shipping_address.city_province_zip }}
    {% endif %}
    {{ shipping_address.country }}
    {% if shipping_address.phone != blank %}
    {{ TEXT_tel }} {{ shipping_address.phone }}
    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    <div class="billing-address">
    <p class="subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    {{ TEXT_customer }}
    <p class="address-detail">
    {% if billing_address != blank %}
    {{ billing_address.name }}
    {% if billing_address.company != blank %}
    {{ billing_address.company }}
    {% endif %}
    {{ billing_address.address1 }}
    {% if billing_address.address2 != blank %}
    {{ billing_address.address2 }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if billing_address.city_province_zip != blank %}
    {{ billing_address.city_province_zip }}
    {% endif %}
    {{ billing_address.country }}
    {% else %}
    {{ TEXT_no_customer_information }}
    {% endif %}
    <div class="order-details">
    {% if shipping_method != blank and attributes.Checkout-Method != 'pickup' or fulfillment.tracking_company != blank %}
    <p class="subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    {{ TEXT_shipping_method }}
    <p class="order-detail">
    {% if fulfillment.tracking_company == blank or fulfillment.tracking_company == "Other" %}
    {{ shipping_method.title }}
    {{ fulfillment.tracking_number }}
    {% else %}
    {{ fulfillment.tracking_company }} {{ shipping_method.title }}
    {{ fulfillment.tracking_number }}
    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    </div> <hr> <div class="order-table">
    <div class="order-table-row order-table-header">
    <div class="order-table-cell item-image-and-description subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    {{ TEXT_items }}
    <div class="order-table-cell item-quantity text-align-right subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    {{ TEXT_qty }}
    </div> {% comment %}
    These variables make sure your images print at high quality.
    {% endcomment %}
    {% assign resolution_adjusted_size = SETTING_product_image_size | times: 300 | divided_by: 72 | ceil %}
    {% capture effective_image_dimensions %}{{ resolution_adjusted_size }}x{{ resolution_adjusted_size }}{% endcapture %} {% for line_item in line_items %}
    {% if line_item.fulfillment_quantity < 1 %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
    <div class="order-table-row order-table-body">
    <div class="order-table-cell item-image">
    {% if SETTING_product_image_size != 0 %}
    <div class="aspect-ratio aspect-ratio-square" style="width: {{ SETTING_product_image_size }}px; height: {{ SETTING_product_image_size }}px;">
    {% if line_item.image != blank %}
    {{ line_item.image | img_url: effective_image_dimensions | img_tag: '', 'aspect-ratio__content' }}
    {% else %}
    {{ '/product_image_placeholder.svg' | img_tag: '', 'aspect-ratio__content placeholder' }}
    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    <div class="order-table-cell item-description">
    <span class="item-description-line">
    {{ line_item.product_title }}
    {% if line_item.variant_title != blank %}
    <span class="item-description-line">
    {{ line_item.variant_title }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if line_item.sku != blank %}
    <span class="item-description-line">
    {{ TEXT_sku }}{{ line_item.sku }}
    {% endif %}
    {% for p in line_item.properties %}
    {% assign p_internal = p.first | slice: 0 %}
    {% unless p.first contains "builder_id" or p.first contains "builder_info" or p.first contains "master_builder" or p_internal == "_" or p.last == "" or p.last == blank %}
    <span class="item-description-line">{{ p.first }}: {{ p.last }}</span>
    {% endunless %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% if SETTING_show_product_barcodes == true and line_item.variant.barcode != blank %}
    <img class="barcode" data-barcode="{{ line_item.variant.barcode }}">
    {% endif %}
    <div class="order-table-cell item-quantity text-align-right">
    {{ line_item.fulfillment_quantity }} {{ TEXT_qty_of }} {{ line_item.quantity | minus: line_item.refunded_quantity }}
    {% else %}
    <div class="order-table-row order-table-body">
    <p>{{ TEXT_no_items_fulfilled }}</p>
    {% endfor %} </div> <hr>
    <div class="notes-and-pricing">
    <div class="notes">
    {% if note != blank %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    {{ TEXT_notes }}
    <div class="notes-details">
    {{ note }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if SETTING_show_cart_attributes == true %}
    {% if attributes.Pickup-Date && attributes.Pickup-Time %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Pickup-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }} at {{ attributes.Pickup-Time }}
    {% elsif attributes.Pickup-Date %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Pickup-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }}
    {% endif %} {% if attributes.Delivery-Date && attributes.Delivery-Time %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Delivery-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }} between {{ attributes.Delivery-Time }}
    {% elsif attributes.Delivery-Date %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Delivery-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }}
    {% endif %} {% if attributes.Shipping-Date %}
    <div class="notes-row">
    <div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
    <div class="notes-details">
    {{ attributes.Shipping-Date | date: "%A, %b %d, %y" }}
    {% endif %} {% endif %}
    </div> <div class="footer">
    {{ TEXT_thanks }}
    {{ shop.name }}
    {{ shop.address1 }}{% if shop.address2 != blank %}, {{ shop.address2 }}{% endif %}, {{ shop.city }}, {{ shop.province_code }}, {{ shop.zip }}, {{ shop.country }}
    <a href="mailto:{{ shop.customer_email }}" target="_blank">{{ shop.customer_email }}</a>
    <a href="https://{{ shop.domain }}" target="_blank">{{ shop.domain }}</a>
    .template-136040 * {
    font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif !important;
    font-size: 14px;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    font-weight: 300;
    } .template-136040 {
    margin: auto;
    padding: 10px 30px 0 30px;
    min-height: 600px;
    } .template-136040 p {
    margin: 0 0 7px 0;
    } .template-136040 a,
    .template-136040 a:link,
    .template-136040 a:visited {
    color: #000;
    font-weight: 300;
    text-decoration: none;
    } .template-136040 .header {
    width: 100%;
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    align-items: top;
    margin-bottom: 30px;
    } .template-136040 .header p {
    margin: 0
    } .template-136040 .shop-title {
    -webkit-box-flex: 6;
    -webkit-flex: 6;
    flex: 6;
    font-size: 30px;
    font-weight: 400;
    } .template-136040 .shop-logo {
    max-width: {{ SETTING_shop_logo_width }}px;
    } .template-136040 .order-title {
    -webkit-box-flex: 4;
    -webkit-flex: 4;
    flex: 4;
    } .template-136040 .customer-addresses {
    width: 100%;
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    align-items: top;
    margin-bottom: 15px;
    } .template-136040 .shipping-address {
    flex-grow: 1;
    flex-basis: 0;
    } .template-136040 .billing-address {
    flex-grow: 1;
    flex-basis: 0;
    } .template-136040 .order-details {
    text-align: right;
    flex-grow: 1;
    flex-basis: 0;
    } .template-136040 .address-detail,
    .template-136040 .order-detail {
    margin: 15px 0 0;
    line-height: 1.5;
    } .template-136040 .subtitle-bold {
    font-weight: bold;
    margin: 0;
    font-size: 13px;
    } .template-136040 .order-detail + .subtitle-bold {
    margin-top: 15px;
    } .template-136040 .to-uppercase {
    text-transform: uppercase;
    } .template-136040 .text-align-right {
    text-align: right;
    } .template-136040 .order-table {
    display: block;
    } .template-136040 .order-table-row {
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    align-items: center;
    margin: 15px 0;
    page-break-inside: avoid;
    } .template-136040 .order-table-header {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    } .template-136040 .order-table-header .item-image-and-description {
    -webkit-box-flex: 8;
    -webkit-flex: 8;
    flex: 8;
    margin-right: 30px;
    } .template-136040 .order-table-header .order-table-cell {
    white-space: nowrap;
    } .template-136040 .order-table-cell {
    -webkit-box-flex: 2;
    -webkit-flex: 2;
    flex: 2;
    margin: 0;
    } .template-136040 .item-image {
    -webkit-box-flex: 1;
    -webkit-flex: 1;
    flex: 1;
    margin-right: 15px;
    min-width: {{ SETTING_product_image_size }}px;
    } .template-136040 .item-description {
    -webkit-box-flex: 7;
    -webkit-flex: 7;
    flex: 7;
    } .template-136040 .item-description-line {
    display: block;
    } .template-136040 .item-description p {
    margin: 0;
    line-height: 1.5;
    } .template-136040 .item-line-price {
    -webkit-box-flex: 3;
    -webkit-flex: 3;
    flex: 3;
    } .template-136040 .missing-line-items-text {
    margin: 15px 0;
    padding: 0 7px;
    } .template-136040 .notes-and-pricing {
    width: 100%;
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    align-items: top;
    margin-bottom: 15px;
    } .template-136040 .notes {
    flex-grow: 2;
    flex-basis: 0;
    } .template-136040 .notes-row {
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    align-items: top;
    margin: 15px 0;
    page-break-inside: avoid;
    } .template-136040 .notes-title {
    -webkit-box-flex: 1;
    -webkit-flex: 1;
    flex: 1;
    } .template-136040 .notes-details {
    -webkit-box-flex: 3;
    -webkit-flex: 3;
    flex: 3;
    margin-right: 30px;
    } .template-136040 .footer {
    margin-top: 30px;
    text-align: center;
    line-height: 1.5;
    } .template-136040 .footer p {
    margin: 0;
    margin-bottom: 15px;
    } .template-136040 hr {
    height: 2px;
    border-bottom: 2px solid #e1e1e1;
    margin: 0;
    } .template-136040 .aspect-ratio {
    position: relative;
    display: block;
    background: #fafbfc;
    padding: 0;
    } .template-136040 .aspect-ratio::before {
    z-index: 1;
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
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    left: 0;
    border: 1px solid rgba(195,207,216,0.3);
    } .template-136040 .aspect-ratio--square {
    width: 100%;
    padding-bottom: 100%;
    } .template-136040 .aspect-ratio__content {
    position: absolute;
    max-width: 100%;
    max-height: 100%;
    display: block;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    margin: auto;

  4. Klicken Sie auf Speichern.

Die Zapiet – Abholung + Zustellung-Details sind nun in die Lieferscheine integriert, die von der Order Printer Pro: Invoice App generiert werden. Der Lieferschein sollte ähnlich wie das unten stehende Beispiel aussehen.


  • Derzeit können maximal 250 Bestellungen pro Export exportiert werden.

Hat dies deine Frage beantwortet?