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How to uninstall Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code
How to uninstall Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code

Pause your subscription and uninstall Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code

Jelizaveta avatar
Written by Jelizaveta
Updated over a year ago

Uninstall Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code if you want to stop using our app.

While we don't offer the option to pause the subscription, you can uninstall the app if you need to take a break. We will save your settings and restore them when you re-install the app.

Uninstall Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code

  1. In Shopify Settings, click Apps and sales channels.

  2. Next to Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code, click Uninstall.

  3. If you would like to help us make the app even better, add the reason for deleting—we appreciate the feedback and strive to give you the best possible experience!

  4. Click Uninstall.

Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code is now deleted from your store and will no longer provide rates.

Billing period

Your subscription for Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code will be automatically cancelled after you uninstall the app. However, you will not be charged until your usual Shopify bill date.

For instance, if you uninstall Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code on the 10th and your usual bill date is the 23rd, you will still see a charge for the app in this bill. After this period there will be no further billing from our app.


  • Within Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code, you can only access logs from the last 7 days. If you uninstall and reinstall, you may be unable to view old logs within the app.

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