Text option will add a text box to your products page for your customers to add short messages.
You can create options only as a part of option group. You need to create an option group before creating your options.
Create a new option
Add an Option name.
If needed, you can add Tooltip text and Help text.
Add a Placeholder.
If needed, add a Default value and a Character limit.
If you add both a default value and a placeholder, the placeholder will not be visible to your customers because the default value will be shown instead.
Select if this is a Required option for your customers to complete before adding the product to the cart.
If needed, you can add a charge. Learn more in our Charging more for certain options guide.
You can preview the option you created on the right. Once it's all set, click Create.
If you're done creating your options, then you need to finish creating your option group. If you're still making and editing your options, then you can create more options or charge more for certain options.