A selection of swatches with images or colors appears on the product page for your customers to choose one or more options.
You can create options only as a part of option group. You need to create an option group before creating your options.
Create a new option
Add an Option name.
Start adding option values. Click Add option value, to add more options that will appear in a list.
Click Image sign to select swatch color or add an image.
To add a color, add the hex code or select the color manually, then click Save.
Click Select an image, then click Add image to upload an image. Click Save.
You can also change the order of the options.
If needed, you can add a charge to every option. Learn more in our Charging more for certain options guide.
If needed, you can add Tooltip text and Help text.
By default, we will show swatches as color tiles. Select whether you would like to Show swatches as a dropdown list.
For a dropdown list, you can select the Placeholder text.
Select whether you would like the first option to be selected by default.
Tick Quantity selector to allow customers to add a numerical value for the chosen option, and add a maximum value they can enter.
Tick Change product image on selection if you have uploaded images and want to change the image based on the selected option.
This option would require completing additional steps in order to work correctly.
You will need to add the class
.zapiet-product-image-container img
to every product image container on your theme. To learn more take a look at our Showing dynamic images on product pages article.
Allow your customers to select multiple options. If needed, add Minimum and Maximum selections allowed for this option.
If you tick Allow multiple options, Quantity selector and Change product image on selection settings will be disabled.
Select if this is a Required option for your customers to complete before adding the product to the cart.
You can preview the option you created on the right. Once it's all set, click Create.
If you're done creating your options, then you need to finish creating your option group. If you're still making and editing your options, then you can create more options or charge more for certain options.