The Upsell by AMP app allows merchants to display personalized upsell offers on product pages and during checkout to increase average order value.
To add the Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery widget to the drawer cart, you will need to add a code snippet to your theme files.
In Online Store > Themes, select the theme and click Edit code.
Open the theme.liquid file.
Search for
and prepend it with the code below.< script > window.AMP_CART_LOADED = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
document.querySelector('.amp-cart__footer-checkout-button')?.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", '<div id="storePickupApp"></div>') document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("zapiet:start"));
}, 1000)
} < /script>Click Save.
The Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery widget will now appear in the AMP drawer cart.