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Daily inventory
Clemency Farmer avatar
Written by Clemency Farmer
Updated over 4 months ago

You can set daily limits on the products in your menus, and manage the remaining inventory each day.

Add daily product limits

You can set a maximum number of each product to be sold each day.

  1. Click Restaurants, then click the name of the restaurant you want to edit.

  2. Click the name of the menu you want to add product limits to.

  3. Click Add product limits.

  4. Select each product you want to add a daily limit to.

  5. Click Add product limits.

  6. Add the limits for each product, or add the same limit for all products.

  7. Click Add limits.

  8. Click Save.

Customers can now only buy up to the daily maximum for this product, from this location and menu. Products without a daily inventory will have no limit.

If you need to edit the limit only for today, you can also manage todays inventory.

Manage today's inventory

You can check the remaining inventory each day in your orders tab, and edit the remaining quantity.

Updates made through the Orders tab will only impact the inventory today, and will not affect the product limits permanently.

  1. In the Orders tab, choose the restaurant you want to edit.

  2. Click Product inventory.

  3. Select the menu you'd like to view or edit.

  4. You can search for products, or filter by status.

  5. You can view today's remaining inventory or edit the product limits and availability.

Change the availability

You can mark products as unavailable, so customers cannot order them for same day pickup or delivery.

Unavailable products will show as sold out on your store, and customers will not be able to add them to cart.

If the product is featured on multiple menus, you will need to mark it as unavailable on all menus.

The product will automatically be available again tomorrow, or if the product is restocked on the same day, you can mark the product as available to re-enable the add to cart button.

Edit the remaining quantity

You can edit the remaining quantity of all products, including products that do not already have a limit.

  1. Click the remaining today value.

  2. Choose if you want to use the default amount, or specify a value.

  3. Click Save.

Customers can now only buy up to the new daily limit for this product, from this location and menu.


  • Unaccepted orders will be counted in your remaining inventory.
    When an order is placed, the inventory is deducted. Cancelled orders will restock the remaining inventory.

  • The daily inventory will be the same for pickup and delivery.

  • You can't change the daily limit below 0. To mark a product as sold out, you can change the product availability.

  • If a product bundle is sold, the remaining inventory for each individual product in the bundle will also decrease.

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